September News: Art On Paper : Another Way to Draw – Bela Silva : Arts & Craft – Le Sacre de la Matière

— September, 20 2021

Spazio Nobile & Bela Silva
Rue des Minimes 61

@Arts & Craft, Brussels Design September, 17>19.9

Bela Silva, Four Seasons & Rome me manque…
Download the catalogue here

Part of Arts & Craft, Brussels Design September
On Friday 17, Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 September, 12-18.00 or by appointment
Rue des Minimes, 61, B-1000 Brussels (Sablon District) in front of Les Minimes Baroque Church.

Photos Margaux Nieto

Pao Hui Kao & Éva Le Roi
Another Way to Draw > 19.9
@Art on Paper
, BOZAR Brussels


Art On Paper, BOZAR, Brussels, 15-19.9.2021
Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Download the catalogue here
If you want to access to the fair, please send us an email
Visit Art On Paper website
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At Spazio Nobile Gallery & Studiolo

Frederik Vercruysse, Windows, solo show
From 10 September until 14 November 2021, from Tuesday to Saturday, 11-18.00 or by appointment
Rue Franz Merjay 142, B-1050 Brussels (place Brugmann)

Download the catalogue here. Prices are on request.

Three new and exclusive prints and objects editions: Windows Stills, photographs, 5 + 2AP / Windows Light Boxes, bright rooms, 3 + 2AP / Windows Mirror Glass Boxes, psyches, 3 + 2AP, in close collaboration with Atelier Mestdagh

Go to press room : press release EN / communiqué de presse FR / persbericht NL

Press: Club ParadisAlbane Paret & Micha Pycke


Across the street of the gallery…
Spazio Nobile Studiolo

Tomáš Libertíny, Encres bleues
From 10 September until 14 November 2021, from Tuesday to Saturday, 11-18.00 or by appointment
Rue Franz Merjay 169, B-1050 Brussels (place Brugmann)`

Download the catalogue here. Prices are on request.


Spazio Nobile & Ancienne Nonciature
Le Sacre de la Matière, second edition

Le Sacre de la Matière is a group exhibition featuring 10 artists of the gallery.
With Jörg Bräuer, Anne Derasse, Ernst Gamperl, Kaspar Hamacher, Amy Hilton,
Silvano Magnone, Élise Peroi, Päivi Rintaniemi, Bela Silva & Fabian von Spreckelsen

From 9 September until 3 October 2021, from Wednesday to Friday, 14-18.00
& all weekends, 12-19.00, or by appointment. Finissage on Sunday 3 October.

Ancienne Nonciature, rue des Sablons, 7, B-1000 Brussels (Grand Sablon)

Download the catalogue here. Prices are on request.

Download the press release EN / communiqué de presse FR
View & Download press images here
Press & Contact:


Find more information on Spazio Nobile Collections & Editions on instagram @spazionobilegallery & Artsy